
【S区】♥Limited 精美手饰品★特价区★(现货)

B2750# 韩版 闪钻大头熊猫吊坠 长项链 毛衣链 RM 15 链周长约61cm,熊猫长宽约3*2.2cm,重20g
B53W# 韩国饰品 粉嫩珍珠 蝴蝶结发夹边夹发饰 - 白色 RM4.50 长约10cm,重12g
B464# 欧美复古风 潮人雕花彩钻孔雀 戒指 RM5
B919# 韩版 复古可爱木马老爷车 耳钉耳坠 RM7 吊坠长宽约1.5*1.3cm,重7g
B844# 韩版 时尚优雅气质烂漫花朵 项链颈链锁骨链 RM16.50 链周长约42cm,吊坠长14cm,重13.3g
B949# 韩版 长款 复古甜美可爱滴油玫瑰嵌钻 项链毛衣链 RM15 链周长约62cm,吊坠长约3.5cm,重24g
B1067# 复古蓝蝴蝶 滴油小珍珠精致短款项链 RM15.00 链周长约51cm,延长链6cm,吊坠长宽约5.8*3cm,重20g
B1111J# 韩版可爱纱网玫瑰花朵戒指 - 金色 RM5 银色的暂时没货了。。如果mm们想预订,可以pm我哦~^^ 直径约1.7cm,戒面直径约2.4cm,重2.3g
B1116# 欧美复古风 潮人民族花朵 戒指指环 RM5 直径约2cm ,戒面长宽约4.5*2cm,重13g
B1132# 韩版时尚 百搭珍珠华丽手链 RM16 链长约28cm,重26g
B1538H# 复古环环相扣羽毛吊坠韩版耳环 - 黑色 RM5
B1665# 复古潮人时尚个性交叉 戒指 - 古银色/古铜色 RM 6 直径约1.7cm,戒面长宽约3.7*2cm,重7g


Order Form

Dreamland Bazaar 's Order Form
Order price more than RM100,you will receive a FREE mystery GIFT!! ^_^
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  • Please do double check and make sure all your details + order are correct, we will not be responsible if the address/lens order is given wrongly by the buyer.

    After send your order to us, please be patient, we'll calculate total ( include the postage fee) and reply your order within 24hrs ,if not , please resend the order again in case it is loss.

    Once we have confirm that all your order is available, please proceed to payment stage immedietely.
    All payments should be done in 3 days for validity.
    No payment receive, we will void your order.

    一旦宝贝MM们下了订单,请在3天内汇款给我们。 如无法付款者请通知我们,没通知又没付款的订单一律被取消.

    [[ How to make PAYMENT]] 如何付款
    Method 方法: 1) Machine Bank-in 2) Online Transfer

    Bank Account :Maybank Account
    Account Number: 164838060881
    Account Name: CHOOI WAI KUAN

    After payment, please inform me the details as below immediately:

    -Contact number 联络号码
    - Date & Time of Payment 汇款日期,时间
    - Payment Amount 汇款总额

    我们非常鼓励MM们拍下您的Payment Receipt,以供我们做记录。
    We wish to encourage customers to PRINT SCREEN/ RECEIPT PHOTOS as evidence of payment.

    如果MM用ATM机器汇款, 请汇整数, 余款将会连同货品一起退回给MM或银行转帐.(**如MM们不能接受,我们还是鼓励MM们汇入准确的款项给我们。)
    ( For Machine Bank-in method )
    Ps: If the machine do not accept RM1 & RM5 note, do not panic.
    You can bank in extra and we will either refund your change through funds transfer or to be carried together with the ordered item we shipped to you.

    After confirmed your payment, Please wait patiently, we will post out the item as soon as possible.(For West Malaysia,probably 2-3 days/ For East Malaysia ,probably 3-4 days.)

    8.After you receive the item,please kindly inform me by pm or email me.Thanks for your toleration!~
    当MM们接获您的货物,请麻烦MM们通知我,通过email或inbox 我。谢谢你们的合作哦!~
    ❤❤❤ ~~ ❤❤❤ ~~ ❤❤❤ ~~ ❤❤❤ ~~ ❤❤❤ ~~ ❤❤❤ ~~ ❤❤❤
  • Please put any remark

    - product series no.
    - product's colour/size/amount
  • Fill up the full address.
  • Drop down the message if you want to say to the receiver.

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